"When images are soft, they just remain evocative, or in your imagination. You get a mood, and it remains on the emotional level. The viewer has to put more of him or herself into it. When there is more detail, it’s like that old expression: There’s no fiction stranger than reality. Reality will compose the most extreme paradoxes and contradictions and adjacencies, which can’t be understood."
Quote from Robert Polidori impressed me in a different way of thinking that creates a new dimension of imagination which brought our thinking to a whole new level.
Robert Polidori |
There's plenty of work done by Robert, and there's one series which introduced to me by my lecturer when I was doing a consultation with her.
It's the " After The Flood " that featuring the destruction in New Orleans caused by the Hurricane Katriana. He found the streets deserted, and, without electricity, eerily dark. The next day he began to photograph, house by house, trying to record every doors that opened to him to explore.
What you just saw were part from the collection. The thing that really impressed me is the emotional approach rom the quality that brought by Robert through his lens. Everything is broken, from all directions and towards all directions. Probably this is what Robert wanted to showcase through his photos, the different dimension of perfection although it doesn't look " good ".
The melancholy of every opened door in the photos, portraying someone who's asking you to continue your journey by the door yet it's all destroyed. Things are everywhere on the floor, walls are broken and every curtains were washed. The dirtiness that uphold their dignity, standing upright that telling us the story when the hurricane hits. Probably the saddest love story or a fiction about kinship or friendship.
The composition of the photos were well thought, opened door is placed at it's perfect position that bring your eyes along and leading you throughout the photo, like every hidden meaning, it created a space of imagination and expressed the photos as a media to connect our thinking all together.
Maybe every great shot has a story, but as a viewer, what we can tell is all introduction of the photo, and the photo itself.